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19 Feb 2021

Ableton Live 11

There's a new major release from Ableton Live on February 23rd. As far as our tests have shown, Zwobot is fully compatible with the upcoming Ableton Live 11 version. We haven't seen any issues with Ableton Live 11 so far.
If you run into any problems, please write to us:

There's no rush to upgrade to Live 11. Zwobot continues to work fully with Live 10.

Best Markus

05 Feb 2021

Zwobot 2.3

Zwobot 2.3 update (GL3)

Some of you've noticed there is now a GL3 mode in Max. GL3 is an update of the current OpenGL GPU GL2 engine in Max. This GL update is still in a beta state in Max and has some quirks and dents, and we can't recommend to update/enable the OpenGL engine to GL3 in Max.
But for everyone using already GL3 with Max and/or Zwobot, Zwobot is now prepared to GL3. (some drawing modes in generative Zwobot Fx do not work properly at the moment)

If you don't know what GL3 in Max is, just ignore it! Currently there is no downside to use GL2 in Zwobot which is currently standard set in Max / Ableton / M4L.

Zwobot What's New

* New slice mode in the Zwobot A/B deck loop editor.
* Scaled wipe XY transitions.

Zwobot What's Fixed

* Fixed lag if a folder is loaded via the Rack module.
* Fixed and improved single file load if a folder is already loaded.
* Fixed X-fade transition mode Wipe X and Wipe Y. (wrong direction on dial)


* PLOTTER FXG- Draw/generate wave patterns on XYZ dimensions.
* SHIFT FX - Split and move portions of the video.
* FLOWSCAN FX - Scan and repeat a specific videoslice to a Flow.
* CANDY FX - Add liquid color to a video.

Improvements FX/EX

* ALL FX - We've added an arrow on the FX Blend Modes to make it quicker to jump through the modes.
* ALL FX - We've added a more precise value adjustment for all dials with beat function.
* STRETCH FX - More stretch modes.
* SCAN FX - Added XY mode and colors for the scanlines.
* OSSI FX - We've removed the draw mode (use the new PLOTTER FX for drawing waves). Added line layers.
* BLENDER FX - Added alpha blend mode.
* BLUR FX - We have changed the high GPU mode to a way better looking blur. The High GPU mode is now default.
* LAYER FX - If you zoom out the BG the BG becomes black.
* BLENDER FX - Added scaled wipe transitions.
* FISHEYE FX - Way better auto rotate.
* RGB FX - More color variations.
* ROTA FX - Interface redesign. Added step-rotation.
* AUX EX - Incoming webcam frame rate is now set to 30 fps.

Fixed FX/EX

* ALL FX - On Modules with XY Pads, the XY pads not working properly if both X and Y number-boxes are shifted at the same time.
* ALPHA EX - Fixed and improved single file load if a folder is already loaded. / Prepared for GL3.
* RACK FX - Fixed folder-mode for 3D slots. Fixed error msg in max console.
* FILTER FX - Prepared for GL3.
* CRUNCH FX - XY-pad fixed.
* FLUX FX - Prepared for GL3 and better performance, fixed sound reactive rotation-dial.
* VAUDIO FX - Prepared for GL3.
* EARL FX - Prepared for GL3, XY-pad fixed.
* TWST FX - Fixed XY-pad & fixed issues with the Zwobot FX connector.
* COULEUR FX - Fixed beat feature collapse after some repetitions.
* REFLUX FX - Readjustments and code optimizations, fixed sound reactive-dial.
* PULSE FX - Fixed resolution bug.
* STRETCH FX - Values not properly saved within the Ableton set.
* ABC FX - Prepared for GL3.
* PRISM FX - Fixed sound reactive rotation-dial.
* 3D FX - Fixed and improved single file load if a folder is already loaded / Prepared for GL3 / BG not working correct, XY-pad fixed, texture/video to dark.

01 Oct 2020

Zwobot 2.2

Zwobot What's New

In Max 8.1.4+ the preview windows (DeckA/B preview) are totally new programmed and running on the GPU. This comes with a noticeable FPS boost. Unfortunately there are still a few little lacks here and there concerning the preview windows, but they should not limit the functionality of Zwobot in any way. Mostly this concerns to stills (e.g. jpegs and stoped video clips) with the downside that are in some cases the stills not shown in the preview decks.
If you're running Max 8.1.3 and VIDDLL 1.1.5 and all works well there is no need to update. Zwobot will work fine.

* We have changed the full-screen behavior. You can now go full screen on every screen the Zwobot window is on, even the main desktop. On Mac the MacOS menubar now doesn't show up if Zwobot is fullscreen and the curser is in another app.

* It is now possible to lock the Zwobot FPS with your preferred settings. (We recommend 60 fps, the screen refresh rate) This is set to default. It makes the GPU more breathe and you'll have less GPU stuttering.

* It is now possible (since Max 8.1.5+ & VILLDD 1.2.3+) to play native HAP files in Zwobot.

Zwobot What's Fixed

* FX connections not correct enabled/disabled.

New All

* Deactivate all FX modules if modules are in a group/chain by deactivate the group.


* ROTA - Rotate video on beat/sound.
* LORENZ - Lorenz attractor effect.
* REFLUX - Like the FLUX FX on steroids.
* DOTR - Dot overlay, like LINR FX just with dots.
* LAYER - A simple background/foreground layer.

Improvements FX/EX

* BLENDER FX - Added keying/green-screen mode.
* FLUX FX: - Contrast attractor, better looking trails and works way better now on dark videos.
* VAUDIO FX - Performance updates. Stretch and direction mode.
* FISHEYE FX - New - lens based - behavior and code redesign.
* TWIST FX - Better looking trails.
* KETA FX - Density & Multidirection.
* LINR FX - Code redesign, no more fps drop when beat mode or sound reactivity is enabled.
* DEFORM FX - Added Blend-mode.
* FILTER FX - Optimized painting filter.
* SHUTTER FX - Better looking Circle mode.

Fixed FX/EX

* LOOPER FX - Initial mode not working.
* TRAILS FX - Switching Attractor doesn't destroy trails.

13 May 2020

Zwobot 2.1

Zwobot 2.1 (Maintenance update)

* ZWOBOT - new: Significant reduction of file sizes.
* ZWOBOT - fixed: GUI stuff.
* ZWOBOT - new/fixed: Doesn't overwrite Ableton Live automation when temporarily enable beat/sound reaction.
* SIDECAR - fixed: Changed the initialization timing of the Ableton Live API.
* ALLFX - new: Significant reduction of file sizes.
* ALLFX - new: Finally proper parameter names of all dials and knobs.
* ALLFX - new/fixed: Doesn't overwrite Ableton Live automation when temporarily enable beat/sound reaction.
* ALLFX - fixed: Module Blend modes not correct saved.
* 3D - fixed: Win10/ Problems when loading 3D files. Wrong FX logo.
* AUX - fixed: Doesn't work in front of some modules (Mosh, Trails...).
* PATTERN - fixed: Win10/Resolution bug.
* PATTERN - new: Pattern more smooth and fluid.
* FILTER - fixed: Filter tabs are not saved correctly.

21 Mar 2020

Zwobot 2.0

We are happy to present the new version of Zwobot. 2.0 :-)

New Zwobot features

* Sidecar feature: It's now possible to play Video-clips directly from the Session-view like an 
* You can now directly click on the little video window to stop/play the video.
* It's now directly shown if Max extensions are missing (for the newbies).
* Super precise loop function.
* All set loops are now saved within the Ableton live project file.
* A ton of "under the hood" optimizations.

New All

* It is now possible - like every Ableton audio plug-in - to proper disable/pass all modules with the Ableton "disable" button.
* Improved UI (better reading for Dark Modes)


* SIDECAR - New Sidecar extension allows to play Video-Clips (mp4/mov) directly from the Session view.
* PATTERN - Unique sound/beat-reactive pattern maker.
* ZOOM - Auto zoom in/out.
* FLUX - Feedback diffusion.
* PULSE - Pulsating pattern.
* PRISM - Prism based kaleidoscope.


* TRAILS new: Flow mode.
* AUX new: Remove background. (Green screen, blue screen, black screen and white screen mode)
* 3D new: Shatter mode, mesh change, coloring and feedback trails.
* VHS new: Better old school colors. "Hiccup" mode.
* RGB new: Radial lens warp mode.
* FDBK new: Flow direction mode.
* CRUNCH new: 3D-mode and feedback trails.
* RMOTE new: Better integration of the Beat function for MIDI automated Beat triggering.
* ERRQUAKE new: Shake/flip mode.
* DRIFT new: Small improvements.
* BLUR new: Performance improvements.
* KETA new: More precise/looks a bit better.
* FLOW new: Auto flow adjust.
* FILTER new: Plus 3 effects. In random beat mode you can now select what filter you want to use for random selection.


* ZWOBOT fixed: FX indicator lights sometimes does not work properly.
* ZWOBOT fixed: X-fade (A/B) triggered by a beat bang not working properly when in linear mode.
* RMOTE fixed: Doesn't overwrite automation anymore.
* CRUNCH fixed: Alpha-blend background fill.
* VHS fixed: "No yellow"-bug.
* BLENDER fixed: Routing issues, works now as intended.
* VSINE fixed: "White screen"-bug in Windows.
* OSSI fixed: Beat bang on all dials not working, GPU drop if passed, performance improvements.
* VSINE fixed: Disconnection when load json preset file.

12 Sep 2019

MacOS update

If you got messages from Ableton (Ableton not compatible..) those messages are messages from Apple (MacOS). Those messages concern the next operating system update from Apple. And that means that Ableton is not (yet) 100% 64bit capable for the next Apple operating system update (MacOs 10.15 Catalina). The current Ableton Live 10 beta can do that, but we can't recommend updating to 10.15 Catalina! In 10.15 Catalina, only 64bit compatible apps/Vsts/Plug-Ins etc. will work.

Update only if you know exactly what you're doing.
There will be a lot of software that just won't work anymore.

14 Sep 2019 - Additional information on

08 Aug 2019

Zwobot v1.8 update

Zwobot 1.8 (Performance Update)

* Zwobot - new: Significantly faster loading of folders.
* Zwobot - new: Skip forward on Beat, and movie restart button.
* Zwobot - new: Beat-bang is now more precise.
* Zwobot - Overall Performance improvements.
* Remote - new: Beat-bang via the remote module.
* Rack - new: Significantly faster loading of folders.
* Alpha - new: Significantly faster loading of folders.
* VHS - new/fixed: Code Redesign. No more crashing & looks a lot more natural now.
* REC - new: Improvement of video quality.
* Looper - new: FPS playback adjustment is no longer necessary. Better Performance.
* FLOW - new: Adjust density and speed.
* TWST - new: Performance improvements.
* ROTARY - new: Additional layer adjustment and Vignette modus.
* PETRA - new: Performance improvements. Not much, but it helps.
* ALL FX - new: All module graphics are now in HiResolution. (Max 8+)
* New FX: Crunch - Simple and fast crashed mirror FX.
* New FX: Mosh - Realtime datamosh/pixelglitch.

Important! 1.8

* From Zwobot version 1.8, we will stop the support for Max7! Zwobot is probably still running good in Max7 but we decided to focus on Max8 only.
* All Ableton 9/Max7 users, please upgrade to Max8. Max8 is fully compatible to Ableton 9 and there is no reason to stay on Max7.

14 Jun 2019

Spout Package Updated (Win)

For all of you using Spout on Windows, the Spout Package has been updated (v 2.0.72).

"This update fixes several crashes with the spout objects, as well as add support for sending and receiving floating point textures."

Just update the Spout package via the Max Package Manager. See video demonstration.

21 Nov 2018

Black Friday 2018

Like every year there is a Black Fiday offer. Use the offer code BLACK30 for 30% discount on Black Friday. This offer ends on Sunday 25 June.

30 mar 2018

Zwobot v1.5 now available

Updates:Zwobot 1.5

- new: Zwobot - Instant channel switch A-B to B-A
- new: Zwobot - Play mode (Loop, Palindrome, Next) now available in the Ableton midi controls
- new: Zwobot - Fade modes improved
- new: Zwobot - Jumper feature works now in remote-tracks
- new: Monitor - When the Zwobot engine is ON you’ll see the FPS count in the track name
- new: Monitor - Set precise sound reactivity Hi/Low
- new: Monitor - Show current video-clip information in Zwobot
- new: Monitor - The Syphon On/OFF switch is now hidden in the Windows environment.
- fixed: Remote - Videos (A&B) starts immediately, when initializing/open RMOTE
- new: Rack - Open current folder
- new: Rack - Empty A/B channel
- new: Rack - It is now shown if a folder or file is missing
- fixed All: Buttons behaved as toggles when midi mapped
- fixed All: a ton of stuff for Ableton Live 10
- new: It is now official allowed to use FX and modules several times at once

Modules 1.5

- new FX: VAUDIO SR - Simple audio input pattern machine
- new FX: VSINE FX - Generate simple video pattern and/or bend the video input through that patter
- new EX: MASK EX - Masking tool for generating shapes for precise projection mapping
- new EX: VSEQ EX - Video sequencer
- new: CATCHR/SYPHON/SPOUT - better performance & no more need to switch the ON/OFF button if the input changes
- new: TWST - Fully improved and more SR options
- new: DIGGI - Better GUI/ added sound reactivity
- new: VHS - Better GUI
- new: ABC - Colorize text/ better blend modes
- new: Blender - Transition mode and Instant channel switch/ performance improvements
- fixed: STROBO - Flickering in pass mode
- fixed: OSSI - Color mode via Sound not working
- fixed: OSSI - Texture mode not working
- fixed: OSSI - Flickering in pass mode
- fixed: PETRA - Flickering on startup/ sound reactivity not working

Additional 1.5

- VOLETT is now called OFFSET(!)
- Better explanations of the individual modules in the online manual

14 nov 2017

Zwobot v1.4.7 now available

Zwobot 1.4.7

- Monitor - new: All mapping information is now saved within Ableton Live.
- Monitor - new: Window position reset (if you lost your Zwobot window)
- Zwobot - fixed: Fade transitions won’t work with still images
- Blender - fixed: Blender won’t work with still images
- Zwobot - fixed: Issues with saving single movie clips
- Zwobot - new: It is now displayed with a yellow circle when an FX module is in another track (jumper feature)
- All dialers with a selection for sound reactivity can now adjusted to a precise dialer range for the audio signal.
- General - Cleaned up tons of mess and prepared Zwobot for upcoming versions

Modules 1.4.7

- AllFX - new: Wet/Dry mode
- Alpha EX - new: Code redesign/ better JPEG support
- BLOR - new: Focus mode and Hi/Low-GPU mode
- FDBK - new: New main feedback mode
- 3iDE - new: You can now play animated Collada (.dae) files. Better GUI. Rotate XYZ.
- PETRA - new: X/Y pad is now sound reactive and has a auto rotate function
- SR Modules - new: X/Y pad is now sound reactive and has a auto rotate function
- SR Modules - new: increase/decrease the weight (thickness) of lines and particles

16 sep 2017

Zwobot v1.4 now available

Zwobot 1.4

- new: Full video-sound support! Video audio ON/OFF and X-Fade audio
- new: Loop, palindrome & auto next (folder)
- new: Fade FX modes/transitions (X-Fade, Wipe X, Wipe Y, Door X, Door Y, Scale A, Scale B)(YouTube)
- new: Mirror/Kaleidoscope is now one dialer (Kaleidoscope has expanded)
- new: Minimized/better audio reactive X-Fader
- new: Extended Beat-mode range (from 32notes to 1/16note)
- new: Jump from Zwobot to FX-module if module is in a different Ableton Live track.(YouTube)
- new: Jump from FX-module to Zwobot if Zwobot is in a different Ableton Live track.(YouTube)
- new: Real A/B filter. - (YouTube)
- new: dry/wet FX/main video
- fixed: Save file-path of single clip when folder is loaded.
- fixed: Random frame on Beat-mode sometimes stops long vids
- fixed: Play/pause button sometimes needs an annoying double click
- fixed: a ton of tiny/annoying bugs and stuff not worth to mention

Modules 1.4

- MONITOR - new: Audio X-FADE ON/OFF
- MONITOR - new: Zwobot engine ON/OFF (if you don’t want to run Zwobot while editing your Ableton Live sessions)
- MONITOR - new: Flip screen horizontally (for rear side projection)
- RACK - UI alignments
- REMOTE - Realtime file number sync
- STROBO - Code/UI redesign (YouTube)- ABC - new: Store up to 5 different fonts. Line break. Adjust height alignment
- SCAN - Feature redesign. It does now what it should from the very first: Scan lines. (YouTube)
- OSSI - new: Choose color, generate sine-wave, follow mode, more styles.
- RGBEE - Performance improvements/Code redesign.
- COULEUR - Performance improvements/Code redesign. Better FX variety & range (negative)
- PETRA - new: Code redesign. More options, more useful.(YouTube)
- ERRQUAKE - new: Tremble mode (YouTube)
- BLOR - Performance improvements/Code redesign.
- VHS - Huge performance improvements
- New FX: LOOPER - My favorite one - Record loop sequences from Zwobot like a Audio Loop Station.
- New FX: NEGATIF - like COULEUR-Module on Acid.(YouTube)
- New FX: STUTTR - Stutter effect (YouTube)
- New FX: MULTI (YouTube)
- New FX: RAINMAKER - Pixel sorting/rain/burn via video-feedback (YouTube)
- New FX: DRIFT - Pixel shift (YouTube)
- New FX: BLENDER - Blend video coming from Zwobot with FX modules

Additional 1.4

- We will discontinue GRETA. You have better options now with PETRA & OSSI.

17 jun 2017

MAX update issue

Attention, there is an issue with the actual MAX update (7.3.4) on Windows:

"Hey folks, we discovered an issue in this latest release with playback crashing when using the viddll engine, and have updated the installers with a fix.If you are a viddll user (i.e. anyone using on Windows), I strongly recommend you re-download the 7.3.4 installer to get this update.Apologies for any inconvenience." - MAX dev forum

Download the fixed Windows installer here.

22 apr 2017

Cambot v1.0

Stacks Image 4918

And another small m4l tool for download.:
This little tool just shows your webcam video in Ableton Live. If you are doing Ableton Live tutorials e.g. maybe this patch is something for you. . Cambot is for free:

22 apr 2017

Onebot v1.0

Stacks Image 4908

Hey there, i made a extra litte helper tool:
Onebot just plays video files in Ableton Live. So you can directly record audio from videos within Ableton. Nothing more, nothing less. Onebot is for free:

14 jan 2017

Zwobot v1.2 now available

Zwobot 1.2

- new: Manual/User-Guide
- new: Speed-Call button, on press all open modules will show up in FX-connector drop-down list (youtube)
- new: FX-connector status will be saved in Ableton Live
- new: Expand FX slots
- fixed/new: newly developed inner file-transport, code redesign (from now on: always correct file numbers)
- fixed/new: saves now folder, single files & resolution within Ableton
- fixed: low resolution on channel-B if single video-file
- fixed: double entries FX-connector
- fixed: no more disturbing film endings in random frame mode

Modules 1.2

- new module: RACK - store files & folders and save your presets (youtube)
- new module: PLURAL - Pattern duplication
- FISHEYE - fixed: problems with other modules, more shapes & background mode
- VOLETT - blend-mode has now a 0 position (no blendfx)
- MONITOR - changed UI, new Time-Cache features & custom resolution
- ALPHA - code redesign, works now in preview window & while recording, new subtractive white mode.
- ALPHA - fixed: under certain circumstances Ableton Live gets stuck. (OSX)
- COULEUR - changed UI (fast selection)
- BLORR - fixed: glow works now as it should
- GRETA - changed UI + color/texture dialers
- ERRQUAKE - code redesign, faster response, new glitch blend
- VHS - fixed: problems with other modules
- ABC - new UI, better font-edge-smoothing, choose font, font size, rotation, scroll & running line
- DEELAY - New smear effect

03 nov 2016

Update On Modules

- new module: EARL - Generate sound reactive visuals
- new module: VHS - VHS style glitch (sound reactive)
- new module: VOLETT - shutter style effect
- new module: DUKE - Generate sound reactive visuals
- optimized: BLORR - better performance & blend mode
- optimized: LINR - blend mode

30 sep 2016

Tons of amazing free vj-loops!

On you’ll find tons of amazing and free vj-loops!

01 sep 2016

Zwobot is Live

10 May 2019

Zwobot v1.71 update

Zwobot 1.71

  • New FX: SHUTTER - Several shutter effects.
  • New FX: STRETCH - Stretch the Video into lines from a specific position.
  • New FX: KETA - Video feedback diffusion.
  • New FX: TRAILS - Replace all black and dark parts of the video with the previous frames and produce curious glitchy trails.
  • New FX: NEGATIVE is now called FILTER and has more simple video filter FX.
  • Zwobot - fixed: Beat functionality on Zoom dials not working.
  • Zwobot - new: Circle Transition (Fade FX).
  • Remote - new: The "next" file trigger is now sound reactive.
  • AUX - fixed: Wrong resolution.
  • RACK - fixed: The second slot was not stored in the Json files.
  • RACK - new: It is now possible to move the slots entries by drag'n'drop.
  • FLOW - fixed: When "Strength" is 0 the video stream is off.
  • DEFORM - new: More natural deform mode.
  • OFFSET - new: Extra contrast and brightness.
  • TWST - new: Trails mode and a slightly better performance.
  • SCAN - new: SCAN is now just for standard scan-lines, no more uncontrollable stuff.

Additional 1.71

  • Max 8.0.4 has some bugs that can cause a crash with some Zwobot modules. Please update to Max8.0.5!
  • SR_DUKE and SR_RUN will no longer be further developed. You now have the same/more possibilities with Petra and Earl.


01 Mar 2019

Zwobot v1.7 update

Zwobot 1.7

* Zwobot - new/fixed: Performance improvements. You should now have much less heavy GUI delays and better over all performance.
* Zwobot - new: The beat ease on main A/B X-Fade is now directly shown in Zwobot.
* Zwobot - new: Set loop size in the play bar.
* Zwobot - new: More efficient and better looking filter/blend modes.
* Zwobot - new FX connector: New internal FX module management & optimizations regarding duplicate entries and deleting old FX entries.
* REC - fixed: Crashes while recording.
* REC - new: Recording with ProRes codec(recommended), and no more need to set the destiny for every single recorded file.
* Monitor - fixed: Flickering fps view in track name.

Modules 1.7

* All - fixed: Sound reactivity changes itself by accident.
* All - new: Redesign of the whole Sound Reactivity. -> More precise and accurate Sound Reactivity.
* All - new: It is now possible to increase AND decrease the sound-reaction of all dials. Base value is the set main dial value.
* All - new: More efficient filter/blend modes.
* New FX: ROTARY - Create a 4x blend-copy of the screen and rotate it.
* VHS - fixed: Fixed internals. Minor enhancements. And finally fixed that „black background“ issue.
* PETRA - new: Code redesign & GUI redesign. More shapes (finally a sphere) and faster response. New easing modes in the rotate area.
* MULTI - new: GUI redesign & all axis rotate.
* ERRQUAKE - fixed: Fast manual triggering disables the main dial.
* ERRQUAKE - new: More natural flickering based on Video input movement.
* ERRQUAKE - new: Grain/noise.
* LINR - new: Random pixels set now to its original position. Speed up/slow down FX.
* DIGGI - new: Switch to random glitches. (if motion glitches are to less).
* DEELAY - fixed: Internal issues.
* BLUR - new: Code redesign. It’s now a different kind and less performance taking Blur, what fits better into moving visuals.
* STROBO - new: Sound Reactivity.
* DRIFT - fixed: Code redesign + feedback adjustment and orientation (X,Y) change.
* VAUDIO - fixed: Resolution issues.
* VAUDIO - new: Texture mode, color mode & smoothing + screen run mode.
* VSINE - new: Surface mode for none smooth pattern.
* 3D - fixed: After disconnecting from FX port could not reconnect restored.
* 3D - new: New easing modes in the rotate area.
* TWST - fixed: Performance issues.
* TWST - new: New easing modes in the rotate area.

Additional 1.7

* SR_DUKE and SR_RUN will no longer be further developed. You now have the same/more possibilities with Petra and Earl.
* We’ve optimized and changed a lot of code. Probably there is something we forgot to think about.. So if there is some behavior other than it was in 1.6 just write us.

09 Nov 2018

Zwobot v1.6 update

Zwobot v1.6 is now fully compatible with Live 10 and Live 9.

Zwobot 1.6

* MONITOR - The Syphon button (useless in Windows) is now hidden on Windows systems.
* ZWOBOT - Fixed: When the engine is off the play-bar ist "playing" on startup.
* ZWOBOT - Fixed: h4v files not shown up when they are in a folder.
* ZWOBOT - New connector: Additional FX raw (+6).
* ZWOBOT - New connector: Save and restore the connector status.
* ZWOBOT - New connector: "pass“ Fx modules directly from Zwobot.
* ZWOBOT - New connector: Drag’n’Drop the FX connector drop down menus. See video.
* ZWOBOT - New: Smooth x-fade transitions with the beat-function (linear, ease-in, ease-out). Set in the monitor module.
* RACK - New: Store/reload all entries and save them to your hard disk.
* RACK - New: If double click the filename it will now reload the folder.
* AUX - New: CATCHR, SYPHON & SPOUT is now ONE module: AUX.

Modules 1.6

* REC - New: Improved recording performance.
* OFFSET - New: Change orientation and shift video/screen.
* MASK - New: Store/load masks on your hard disk. Added a grid in the background.
* STROBO - GUI & Code redesign.
* OSSI - New: XY, XY+ mode. All functions now affect the draw mode. Store values as presets and save them to your hard disk. Please check the online manual. See video.
* DELAY - Code redesign/ fixed: extreme buffer lags on startup.
* STUTTR - Code redesign/ fixed: extreme buffer lags on startup.
* STROBO - Code redesign/ new: fade time.
* ERRQUAKE - Code redesign.
* TWST - GUI & Code redesign/ animations are now a lot smoother.
* VSINE - Performance improvements.
* VSINE - Fixed: Beat function not working.
* RAINMAKER is now called FLOW.
* FLOW - New: totally module/code redesign. It now creates a way better and more dynamic flow. See video.
* ALLFX - New: when module is passes/disabled/off beat-function and sound-reactivity dialers are off.

12 Dec 2018

Ableton Live 10

Ableton Live 10 (v10.0.5xx) comes with a Max version (v8.0.0) which does not work with Zwobot! If you want to run Zwobot in Live 10, please download the latest Max (v8.0.1) version from and link it in the Ableton Live preferences/Max application.
Additionally you have to install and Syphon/Spout via the Max Package Manager. Please make sure that you install these packages within the Max8 (v8.0.1) environment! The easiest way to do this is to open Max8 directly through Ableton 10.

See video demonstration.

06 june 2018

Zwobot v1.52 update

Zwobot 1.52

* Zwobot - new: Zwobot now remembers the playback status (play/pause) when the engine is turned on again.
* Zwobot - fixed: If you run still images, connected FX modules are delaying while changing stills.
* Monitor - new: There is now a little button (L) for link/delink the Zwobot engine on/off to the Ableton Live play button.


* Rack - fixed: Rack opens random the file manager.
* Rack - fixed: Rack sends random files on startup when Rack is placed after Zwobot in one track.
* Catch - fixed: Resolution issues
* VAUDIO - new: code optimization.
* FDBK - new: removed brightness dial, added Trail mode.
* New FX Module - Deform - Deform/Bend video/texture.


* Monitor - The Monitor Module was/is killing the undo-history of Ableton Live. The „show FPS in the trackname“ in now disabled by default. Switch it on/off by clicking the fps in the Monitor module.

26 apr 2018

Zwobot v1.51 update

Zwobot 1.51

- fixed (Live10): Zwobot - Under certain circumstances modules get disconnected on Ableton Live startup.
- fixed: Zwobot Jumper feature - Yellow indicator ring shows randomly.

Just replace the Zwobot main module

28 mar 2018

VIDDLL v1.1.4 now available

Please update to the VIDDLL 1.1.4 engine via the Max Package Manager. This is the most stable version to work with Zwobot.

Ableton Live 9 users should also update the whole Max installation to Max 7.3.5

15 nov 2017

Zwobot and Ableton Live 10 beta

Ableton Live 10 beta comes without any externals for Max. If you wanna run Zwobot in Live 10 you need to install the VIDDLL engine, and Syphon/Spout via the Max Package Manager.

30 jun 2017 (update 19 sep 2017)

MAX update issue

Please DO NOT update to VIDDLL-Engine v1.1.1. / v1.1.2 or v1.1.3 (via MAX package manager)! This versions can cause a Ableton Live crash when using Zwobot. (WIN/MAC) Please stay or downgrade (via MAX package manager) to version v1.0.9 or v1.1.0 !

07 oct 2017

Max for Live issue

Warning: Serious MacOS 10.3 (High Sierra) and Max for Live incompatibility issue

Read On

18 may 2017

Zwobot / MAX update

MAX updated the video engine. This will fix an annoying bug in Zwobot (crash after approx. 1000 video rereads). Please update this engine via MAX package manager. and update to VIDDLL engine. (1.0.9)

25 mar 2017

Zwobot v1.3 now available

Zwobot 1.3

- new: Video progress bar
- Faster module disconnect/delete without much video lag
- new: Prompt module disconnect via disconnect-button in module
- fixed: long vids don’t start at frame 1
- fixed: random frame on beat sometimes stops long vids
- several code optimizations

Modules 1.3

- new: Prompt module-disconnect via disconnect-button in module
- several code optimizations
- UX/UI alignments
- new module: TWST - Audio reactive particles
- new module: RUN - Audio reactive FX
- new module: 3IDE - Load 3D files into Zwobot (obj/dae/3ds)
- new module: STROBO - Simple stroboscope FX
- new module: FDBK - video feedback FX
- ABC - fixed: no longer need to install max package - new: full text output
- ERRQUAKE - fixed: no longer need to install max package
- LINR - new: Audio reactive & Blend modes.
- VHS - new: works now without audio input
- RACK - new: last 7 slots now for 3IDE module.- OSSi - new: texture mode
- RGBEE - new: Audio reactive
- PLURAL - new: Random/shift mode

21 feb 2017

Zwobot Demo Version now available

There is now a demo version available.

Zwobot demo version has limited features (no fullscreen, low resolution, no fx-slots)

Update apr 22:We decided to put the demo down. As some customers say: "The demo version of the full version in no way justifies. Actually, it is a very wrong picture and was for me rather counterproductive."

14 oct 2016

Zwobot v1.1 now available

- fixed: next/prev automation doesn’t work proper
- fixed: slow Ableton Live UI
- fixed: doesn’t saves resolution-ratio within Ableton
- re-sync button is now at Zwobot Icon
- better overall performance
- +1 FX slot
- completed Midi descriptions

- new module: RMOTE - Transport/file automation from any channel
- new module: SPOUT - Spout support (Windows)
- new module: OSSI - Sound reactive oscilloscope (
- fixed: Under certain circumstances effects may turn off while loading new effects and extensions
- better overall performance
- ALPHA now less performance eater
- MONITOR now with basic video-mapping feature
- ABC now works as it should
- completed Midi descriptions

13 oct 2016


Zwobot SPOUT-Support within the next update! #Zwobot #dj #max #maxforlife #abletonlive #visuals #spout

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